About the Aquarium

The Aquarium in Bergen is Norway's largest aquarium and one of Bergen's biggest tourist attractions for both young and old. Our vision is to create a desire to learn about life in the sea. You can learn a lot about the sea and animals by reading a book or hearing about it in school, but it is better to learn about the animals when you see fish and animals in real life. The aquarium has been an institution in Bergen since 1960 and is organized as a foundation.

The Aquarium´s vision

Norwegian marine fauna is one of our most important industries. It is part of a sensitive, global ecosystem and deeply fascinating. Society has everything to gain from our visitors from home and abroad, young and old, understanding that there are close connections between what is found under the nearest jetty and the conditions for all life on earth. Spreading knowledge about Norwegian marine fauna was then the very basis for establishing the Aquarium in Bergen. It never changes. When we still have many animals from other parts of the world, it is to provide the experience of diversity and coherence. We believe that we best fulfill the ambition to arouse enthusiasm and interest in Norwegian marine fauna by offering experiences together with animals that are doing well. If you visit the Aquarium, you will be left with an experience of a lifetime, a little wiser and with a strong urge to learn more.

We call this: LæreLyst (desire to learn)

The Aquarium´s vision

Norwegian marine fauna is one of our most important industries. It is part of a sensitive, global ecosystem and deeply fascinating. Society has everything to gain from our visitors from home and abroad, young and old, understanding that there are close connections between what is found under the nearest jetty and the conditions for all life on earth. Spreading knowledge about Norwegian marine fauna was then the very basis for establishing the Aquarium in Bergen. It never changes. When we still have many animals from other parts of the world, it is to provide the experience of diversity and coherence. We believe that we best fulfill the ambition to arouse enthusiasm and interest in Norwegian marine fauna by offering experiences together with animals that are doing well. If you visit the Aquarium, you will be left with an experience of a lifetime, a little wiser and with a strong urge to learn more.

We call this: LæreLyst (desire to learn)