Tropical department: Betongjungelen
Every day, jungle and forest corresponding to 87,000 football fields are cleared! The concrete takes over.
60% of the world´s species live in the jungle and you will find very much different among tropical animals – from tiny insects to huge reptiles. We have a really cool collection of spiders, insects, snakes, lizards and crocodiles you can get to know here. Animal keepers are happy to show you how crocodiles can lie completely motionless for hours – and thhen react fast as the lightning if they get the hang of food.
The blue rainforest under water
Tareskogen – The blue forest under the water! Do you think that seaweed and kelp are a bit disgusting? Then we hope that the exhibition “Den blå skogen” will make you think differently. Here you also an find out more about how important seaweed and kelp are for life in the sea.
The theme exhibition “The blue rainforest” is a mixture of walls packed with funfacts about life in the kelp forest and aquariums where real seaweed and kelp can be studied.
You find it in the Labyrinth, the corridor towards the cinema hall and in the Rotunda.